Group 5: Site Structure

HTML is all about being able to distinguish between the structure and the visual presentation of the website. This content and structure becomes semantic when it is able to convey meaning. Also, a key to good coding is to be efficient, meaning that the display has much flexibility as possible and has universal flexibility when crossing over between different devices. This factor has two vital parts; with the audience and with the developers. Being able to have everything organized for the reader is as important as having the coding labeled properly so it is easily accessible to go back and rewrite it later on.


Using HTML is about getting the most that a user can get while using a minimal amount of code, but with the flexibility to later use the code for purposes not originally thought of when it was first written.  In a properly formatted HTML, the code in the web page should be within a head and a body.  The head declares what type of page it will be to the displaying device, while the body contains all of the page content that will be displayed.  Cascading Style Sheets allow web designers to use the information provided by the HTML to present their own unique visual on the site.  Unfortunately, different browsers and display products can result in a change in the look of the website if the HTML does not compensate for it.


Organized site and page structure leads to greatest understanding, flexibility, accessibility, search optimization, and future growth and change. Its important to have a consistent naming system when developing your site so that everyone on the team is on the same page. Naming files with clear, unique names helps to encourage understanding and also make the job of the designer easier.


Site structure affects the overall success of a site in a broader context of the web. The methods used to construct the site can have a great impact on the site’s ability to grow and expand globally.  The content portions of the web pages should be subdivided by divisions and spans that label functional areas of the page.  Naming these divisions and spans helps with style sheet control, allows for application of CSS more easily, and also will give you a wider range of options in the future.  Proper semantic naming is easy to do in the beginning and near impossible to do towards the end.


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